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Unlimited Memory Summary

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In Unlimited Memory  Kevin Horsley explains that ,When going through school, we’re always told to review our notes. We look at books and notes over and over again hoping that we’ll somehow absorb the information and recall it on a test. While we may recall it the next day, what happens to that information in the weeks, or even days, following? It’s gone. Research suggests that within two years of finishing school, people only remember the equivalent of about three weeks’ worth of lessons. That’s out of 12 years of schooling! So why does this happen? Typically, we store most of our information in our Medium-Term Memory. The key, however, is transferring that information into our Long-Term Memory.
Luckily, Kevin Horsley has mastered the art of memory and wants to teach you his techniques. Horsley improved his own life by harnessing an unlimited memory. You see, Horsley struggled in school, he was dyslexic and by the time he graduated college, he still couldn’t finish reading a book. Taking inspiration from Tony Buzan’s Use Your Memory, Horsley realized he could train his mind. After years of practice, he joined the World Memory Championships in 1995 and won second place. In 1999, he broke the world record for memorizing the first 10,000 digits of Pi, thus passing the “Everest of Memory Tests.” No, he doesn’t have a photographic memory nor is he a magician. So how did he do it? Well, you must reading to find out his tips and tricks for unleashing the power of your  unlimited memory.


  1. It is amazing how quickly you can learn a new skill when you let go of your excuses, judgments, and complaints. If you consistently change your approach and increase your desire to know this information, you will master it.
  2.  If you believe you have a bad memory, you will always act and think by that belief.
  3. When you are peaceful, you enjoy the moment, and your mind becomes like a laser beam. Peace and concentration are the same thing.
  4.  Take control of your inner voice (the little voice in your head). If you give yourself bad commands, then bad things will happen.
  5. We destroy our concentration by taking the moment and our peace away. Multitasking is a myth.
  6. Marilee Springer says,” Multitasking is known to slow people down by 50 % and add 50% more mistakes.”
  7. Keep your purpose clear. Always remember why you are reading or learning the information. Keep your purpose at the forefront of your mind.
  8. Gilbert Chesterton said,” There is no uninteresting things, only uninteresting people.” So get interested.
  9. Tony Robbins says, ” if  you want to cure boredom, be curious . If you’re curious nothing is a chore ; it’s automatic – you want to study , cultivate curiosity and life becomes an unending study of joy.”
  10. You become more relaxed when you decide to take up residence in your own mind and your own business. Life is easy when you simplify and make peace with your train of thoughts .When you believe your ‘bad’ thinking ; you suffer.
  11. Imagine your mind was a torch . Most people allow their torch to jump and shine all over the place .You want your torch to stand still and shine brightly.
  12. When you train your creativity , you automatically train your memory . When you train your memory , you a automatically train your creative thinking skills.
  13. See information as image. Arthur Gordon said ,”Isn’t it amazing how we take them for granted? Those little black marks on paper. Twenty-six different shapes, known as letters, arranged in endless combinations, known as words, lifeless, until someone’s eye falls on them.”
  14. John Medina says , ” Hear a piece of information and three days later you’ll remember 10% of it . Add a picture and you’ll remember 65% ” The more we turn information into images or mind movies , the more we will remember and comprehend. For instance, the Spanish word for sun is sol. Think of the SUN burning the SOLE of your foot. Or take the Japanese word forchest, which is mune. Try to picture MONEY growing out of your CHEST. As you can see, using your imagination to bring your movie to life is the key to remembering information.
  15. Use a meaningful thoughts or word to represent a ‘meaningless’ word . Find a word or phrase that sounds the same or similar to the abstract word , or you can break a word up into sounds.
  16. Rhyming pegs one – bun , two – shoe , three- tree , four – door , five – hive , six – stick , seven – heven , eight -gate , nine – vine , ten hen.
  17. The more you practice the better you will get.
  18.  Use the SEE method. SEE stands for senses, exaggerate, and energize. 



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